This is Jan and her great looking family! I use to work with Jan years ago, so it was great to hook up with her again. She had an great set of models to work with! We had a very nice day to do pictures and a lot of fun subjects with great ideas. Here are just a few of the fun we captured.
Try not to pay attention to the color of the pictures too much... I am having technical difficulties with the program I run these pictures through to make them smaller. They look a lot different than they really are....... I'll fix that issue later.
Ok so first of all, I think the girl at her house is her daugher.... so I pose them with the girl as just one of the kids in the group and then later find out she is the wife to one of Jans I goofed on that half way through the shoot.... Although, I think this young lady fit right in like one of the kids, so hopefully that was all good =(

This was one of the boy's idea (to climb the tree) I heard it, and acted quickly to the comment in hopes they were serious... They were, and it turned out so awesome!!!!
We had lots of joking and fun, which made for a fun day!

I will be putting a big one of this in the studio!!!!!! Absolutely wonderful!!!