I have been decorating for Fall, packing things up for Winter, keeping very busy with pictures, closing up the swimming pool and working on a new website.
I am very excited about the website... It is flash, but.......... lots better than I have seen. Believe me, I am not a fan of flash at all, due to having to wait for everything to load. I have spoke with other photographers and seen their sites and love these template!!!! I have been working on it off and on for a couple weeks now and I am loving everything about it... so there will be a new website coming soon!!
I have very few openings for pictures in October..... So if your thinking of Fall....Book fast!!!
I have Mums placed all over the place and things pretty much packed away for Winter. My Fall cleaning around the house is done. So I am officially ready for Cold weather. :( ..............No, not really but I am trying to keep my chin up! :)
Our garage is not sealed up yet. We do have the siding, so in the next couple weeks we are hoping to get doors and siding on. Believe me, I wish I knew what I was doing when it came to building..... I would have it done!!! My dishwasher is still sitting out in the garage :( I think it is being held for ransom!!!! :)
I love my new kitchen!!!! I can not even express how much I love it. Everything right with in arms reach, having enough counter space to work. Kasey and I were both in the kitchen the other day packing things up for a lunch on the river. It was so nice being able to have 2 people working at the same time, instead of someone standing behind you waiting for you to finish and move out of the way. So I am loving every minute of it... The dishwasher would be nice though :)