I am not sure where 2008 went but I am excited for 2009! Not to rush this year by already, but it would be more exciting if spring was here!!! :)
I have had lots of positive emails about my new site, and I just got it up and running yesterday!! I'm sure I will have some tweaking, and I do have some photo's to go through and clean out, but it is up!!!
I wasn't sure how this new site was going to work out. If anyone knows me at all, they know I am always getting myself in deep with something that I know nothing about. I refuse to have help with anything until I am at my breaking point. No classes for learning websites, lots of reading and printing, lots of price comparisons, lot's of emailing and lots holding my head wanting to scream. I am a firm believer.....A person really appreciates what they have when they have to work for it!!!????? :) It all worked out and I am excited to see it up and running!
I am in the process of coming up with some "Easel Print" designs. The Easel prints are just going to be a square photo in sizes 5x5, 8x8, 10x10 or 12x12. You can take a special picture and add a special poem or design and place it on an easel with out a frame. I am going to do some custom designs with poems or words that don't necessarily have a portrait as a background.
Here is just an example of an easel print that a dad would cherish for a lifetime!!!

Best wishes for everyone in 2009!!!!