This is always the time when everyone wants outdoor pictures with the pretty colors of Fall. The only thing is.... there are only a few weeks of pretty colors and then it is all gone :( It does make a beautiful portrait and I am booking up fast in the next month. I wished I could appreciate Fall a little more for it's beauty, it just reminds me that winter is soon behind and that is what I dread.
I was sitting on my deck looking around thinking....... I need to get that pool closed up, pack up patio sets, pack up summer decorations, clean out some flower beds and as I am looking around thinking of all the things I need to do I notice my humming bird coming back around. He had been gone for a couple weeks and I just figured that was my sign they are about gone for the year. Well he wasn't, so I fixed him another mix of food. He isn't ready for Fall either!!! :)
I dislike cold weather, I don't like to see everything dying, the daylight slipping away, or worse yet, the icey roads!!! UGH. But I have told myself this year to try and enjoy it a little more and make the best of it, so I am!!! I am booking lots of outside pictures in the next month. I am going to pack things up and get some fall decorations out (which I rarely do) I have already done the fall cleaning around the house. So I am keeping a possitive outlook on Fall this year and I will have lots of fun behind the camera and portraits to share!!!