Thursday, December 30, 2010

January New Years Special!!

For all past clients who has placed an order, you can purchase a CD of your session for $150.00!! This is a great opportunity to get all your beautiful prints to cherish for a lifetime!! The deadline is January 10th, so don't wait!!

I am hoping to get my Christmas Decorations down by this weekend. I am ready to get organized!! I love all the decor that goes along with Christmas, but after awhile, I feel there is too much, everywhere I look.

After the 10th, I am going to start doing away with 2010 clients to free up some room. I use to save clients for a couple years, but found there wasn't much need to. This is where the deadline for the CD deal comes in. After January 10th, prints from 2010 won't be available anymore.

I am loving the snow!!! I honestly wish it would just snow another 5 inches and stay cold to keep the snow on the ground!!! I woke up this afternoon to rainy, soggy, brown and just wanted to go back to bed!! I'm not a fan of cold weather at all, but if it's gonna be cold, I'd just soon see snow!! I haven't made it outdoors to roam around and do any shoots, yet, but I am hoping to!!

Ordered a new laptop, so I am super excited to get it here and play with it!! I had a hard time coming up with the perfect laptop, with my photoshop programs, I needed something other than a basic laptop. I got an awesome deal with rebates, so I am glad I was patient and thankful for my relationships with other photographers who guided me the direction of this laptop!!!

The New Year resolutions may be a significant event for many people, but I won't bore you with the list of things I'd like to accomplish, instead I will share some humor I found online of resolutions that I can relate to!!

~Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average… which means, you have met your New Year's resolution.
~New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time.
~Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits
~May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions!
~I will do less laundry and use more deodorant.
~I will try to figure out why I *really* need nine e-mail addresses.
~I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet. This, of course, will be hard to estimate since I'm not a clock watcher.
~I will stop considering other people's feelings when they so obviously don't consider mine - if that unwashed fellow sits next to me again, I'll tell him he stinks!
~Coming up with new excuses for taking time off work, instead of using the same old excuses every time
~Paying more attention to the children, rather than the Internet
~Not considering others' feelings for once
~An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves

I wish everyone a Happy and safe New Year!!! See you in 2011!!!!