Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The benefit for Sully was an awesome success! I designed a memorial portrait in honor of Sully and had this printed as a 24x36. I donated this portrait to his benefit to be auctioned off. The portrait sold for 700.00 and was donated back to the family! YEAH!!!!

It was such a good feeling for me to do something for a great family. I went to school with Sully's Son, Brandon and Sully's wife, Lila, was a friend of my family. There was something special about Sully that made designing this memorial something I wanted to do and I enjoyed every minute of putting this together for him.

I did a memorial like this for my Grandfather and his farm a few years ago. This isn't something I want to "have to do" for anyone. It isn't about a "Sale" or trying to be the "Better photographer" it is just me doing what I love to do for people who I care about. I loved this portrait and loved what it means to such a wonderful family.

This is the final print after I put it all together, this picture doesn't do it justice.