Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I love waking up to the birds singing outside!!! I had to walk around the house the other morning just to make sure there wasn't one in my house. One was so loud, I really thought it was in the next room!! It has happend before =)

I've already been outside cleaning flower beds and setting out summer stuff! I am so ready to get outside and get my hands dirty and fresh air!! I know everyone is ready for some outdoor pictures as well!!!!!

I've been going through things in the basement to get rid of. There isn't much down there but it needs cleaned up a little. There is some really cool walls to use for pictures!! I am going to be making some backgrounds to just leave down there so I can just haul my lights down there to do some pictures. I figure a nice, ugly couch and some other fun furniture will fit in perfect down there!!

I have had some GREAT sessions this month and I have had so much fun with them!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice spring weather!!